Continuous Performance Regression Testing with JfrUnit
Timestamped outline for Continuous Performance Regression Testing with JfrUnit by Gunnar Morling at jChampionsConference 2022
Stack of all trades | Software as craft
Timestamped outline for Continuous Performance Regression Testing with JfrUnit by Gunnar Morling at jChampionsConference 2022
If you use git you propably know about .gitignore
. A plain-text file residing in the root or any subfolder of your git repository that allows you to declare filename patterns that git should ignore if the corresponding files are untracked.
I have tried several times to use my Amazon Echo as a Speaker for my Home Office Setup. After all it’s why I got it in the first place. However by default it would only connect as audio source which means I now get to hear Alexa’s voice through my Laptop’s speakers. Googling only gave me a few frustrated users and bug-reports. Here’s what works for me:
A few weeks ago we started a small project for a new customer in our usual pattern:
several components, each with their own repository and respective CI.
However, it quickly became evident that this introduced orchestration overhead
without any benefit: no versioning, no reuse, just a few components that had
to be bundled into one project for one customer.
The whole project kept chanting one word: monorepo!